“Keep Australia Beautiful”


This video does not reflect our Catholic knowledge of God and his creation as it views how much rubbish we actually leave around in this world.In this video, it shows mounds of rubbish and massive piles of trash thrown into the sea.This is caused by our human society because people don’t really care about the amounts of litter thrown out into the marine, they just dump it wherever on the ground or whatever is closest to them and think that it goes away.

Usually, about 300 pieces of rubbish get tossed into the sea floating on the surface of the water and gets mistaken for food by our beloved animals.By people throwing out scraps into the sea it can be broken up into tiny pieces and be consumed by the animal itself.This clip helps people realize what’s going on in the sea and how their rubbish affects the ocean and the creatures living in it.The trash that people throw around gets caught in the gutter and drained out into the sea for it be composed their, we can stop that if we jus6 do one simple action “Put it in the bin!”.By doing this people can change and keep the world as clean as it can be.

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